Category: Uncategorized

Fun things to do in the home!

Remodel your home with custom fitted wardrobes from DIY Homefit.

Easter and now Summer have come and gone. It hasn’t been the year we were all hoping for or expecting… 

Spring forward into a new bedroom!

Transform your bedroom with sliding wardrobe doors from DIY Homefit!

Spring has sprung. It’s that time of year when the clocks go forward and Easter is on its way – along with the first long Bank Holiday weekend of the year. The sun is starting to shine and everything feels fresh and new.

It’ll be cosy this Christmas

Have a new bedroom before Christmas with custom fitted wardrobes from DIY Homefit!

Christmas is coming! And something weird always happens at this time of year. One minute it’s half term and Christmas is still two months away. Then the clocks go back, the dark evenings arrive, and suddenly it seems we’re in December and rushing around trying to get everything done in the space of a couple of weeks.

How to keep your kitchen looking brand new!

So you’ve just had a brand new kitchen and you’re delighted with it!

You spend ages in there just admiring how it looks and how fresh and clean it all is.  But how on earth are you going to keep it looking like that?  Here are our Top Ten Tips for keeping your kitchen looking brand new.

Wardrobes to be thankful for!

Have you noticed how Thanksgiving is gradually becoming more of a feature of our autumn?

This year it is celebrated in the US on Thursday 23rd November, and no doubt there will be many celebrations in the UK as well.

Design the perfect sliding wardrobe doors ONLINE!

Did you like to draw houses when you were little?

Many of us who did would have come up with something like the image below.   The square shape, windows, red door and chimney all look familiar! How lovely it would be now to be able to design and build our own house! 

DIY’s Got Talent?!

Here we go again!  Another round of Britain’s Got Talent hits our screens and it seems the nation divides into two camps – love it or hate it – with perhaps an additional small minority who haven’t a clue about the very existence of “BGT”!  

Not just bedroom and kitchen doors!

As you are aware, DIY Homefit supplies bespoke furniture to fit your home. Our specialisms are kitchen cupboard replacement and designer wardrobe solutions … but the story doesn’t end there!  In this article we take a look at some other areas of the home where you can use our products effectively.

Let There be Light!

At last the mornings are getting lighter and the spring sun is beginning to stream through our windows. This can fill us with a renewed sense of optimism and determination. (Yes and also one of shame as all the dirty streaks on the windows are shown in their full glory!) It can set us thinking about the home improvements we want to do this year and makes us want to get on with things.